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The Only Barbershop Marketing Plan You Will Ever Need


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Before you start your barbershop marketing it is important to have a barbershop marketing plan ready. The marketing plan works as a blueprint to guide you in each and every step of your marketing efforts.

Crafting a comprehensive marketing plan is essential for your barbershop if you are looking to boost its visibility and attract new clients. While the task may seem daunting, having a well-structured barbershop marketing plan can simplify the process and lead to tangible results in salon growth.

In this article we will discuss how you can create a barbershop marketing plan that sets you apart from the competition and helps you reach your goals.

So let’s not delay it anymore and get into shall we?

Main Elements of Barbershop Marketing Plan

Marketing is not a one size fit all strategy for promotion so you will be working on a lot of things at the same time. As a new barbershop you will want to focus on just a few things and slowly expand to other channels and tactics once you start seeing results.

The main things to include in your barbershop marketing plan are:

1.     Defining Your Target Audience

Your marketing plan should clearly state who your target audience is. Begin by defining the characteristics of your ideal customer. Consider factors such as age, gender, occupation, lifestyle, and preferences in grooming services.

setting clear target audience in barbershop marketing plan

2.     Set Clear Marketing Goals

Your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART): Define clear and actionable marketing goals that align with your overall business objectives.

SMART goals provide a framework for setting targets that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, allowing you to track progress and evaluate success.

Aligning Marketing Goals with Business Objectives: Ensure that your marketing goals directly contribute to achieving your barbershop’s broader business objectives. Whether your focus is on

  • increasing brand awareness
  • attracting new clients
  • boosting customer retention
  • driving sales

your marketing efforts should align with these goals.

Here are some examples of Marketing Goals for Barbershops:

Increase foot traffic by 20% within the next six months.

Grow the email subscriber list by 30% by the end of the quarter.

Boost online bookings by 25% through targeted social media campaigns.

Improve customer satisfaction ratings by implementing feedback-driven initiatives.

3.     Selecting Marketing Channels

You might think that being on all platforms at the same time will maximize your reach but let me hold you back there! As we discussed earlier you should always start with something that makes a big impact and at the same time is easy to manage.

Let’s suppose you are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and LinkedIn at the same time and you create content for each platform. This is not only going to be time consuming but will also get you distracted.

We recommend to choose a few channels where the majority of your audience might be. These may include digital channels such as social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and content marketing, as well as offline channels like local advertising, community events, and word-of-mouth referrals.

image explaining the steps in creation of marketing plan

Assess the Pros and Cons of Each Channel

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each marketing channel based on factors such as reach, cost-effectiveness, audience targeting capabilities, and engagement potential.

Choose channels where your audience is present and the cost of marketing is low. You might shortlist multiple channels. In that case, assess the costs and start with the one that has the lowest cost.

Analyze the competitors

If you chose a marketing channel there is a high chance that at least one of your competitors will already be present on the channel.

You can analyze their messaging, tone, and content style. This will help you know about things that your target audience wants to see or engage with.

By analyzing your competitors you can learn what’s working and can avoid the things that are not working or do not resonate with your audience.

4.     Create a Compelling Messaging

Identify and emphasize the unique qualities and benefits that sets your barbershop apart from its competitors. Whether it’s exceptional customer service, specialized grooming services, or a distinct brand aesthetic.

Your USPs should resonate with your target audience and compel them to choose your barbershop over alternatives.

You can tap into the emotional aspect of marketing by storytelling and connecting with your audience on a deeper level. Consider sharing compelling narratives about your barbershop’s journey, values, and impact on customers’ lives to evoke positive emotions and create connections.

Emotional branding can foster stronger customer relationships and differentiate your barbershop in a competitive market.

setting messaging for barbershop marketing

5.     Maintain Consistent Messaging

Maintain a consistent brand identity and voice across all marketing channels to reinforce brand recognition and trust.

From website copy and social media posts to advertising campaigns and in-store designs.

6.     Develop a Budget

The most important aspect of your marketing plan is your budget. The general rule of thumb is to allocate a certain amount of your profits or total budget to your marketing efforts. This can be something like 10% of the total profits or 5% of the total budget.

Your budget should be realistic and not too low. You can consult marketing professionals in your niche to get a better idea of what your budget for marketing should be.

setting budget for your barbershop in your barbershop plan.image of a calculator

7.     Develop Marketing Strategies

Now its time to craft actionable marketing strategies tailored to your barbershop’s unique goals. Whether you aim to boost brand awareness, attract new customers, or increase sales, there are various approaches you can take to achieve your objectives effectively.

For instance, to enhance brand visibility, you can consider leveraging the power of social media by creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Collaborating with influencers or implementing referral programs can also amplify your brand’s reach and attract potential customers.

Think creatively and explore innovative ways to differentiate your barbershop from competitors. Whether it’s hosting themed events, offering exclusive promotions, or launching loyalty programs, find strategies that align with your brand’s identity and resonate with your clientele.

Barbershop Marketing Plan Example

Here is an example of a barbershop marketing plan for a barbershop that is focused on trendy hairstyles.

Executive Summary:

The Razor’s Edge Barbershop aims to become the premier destination for trendy haircuts and a fun, welcoming experience for young adults (18-25) and teenagers (13-18) in Texas. This plan outlines a comprehensive marketing strategy leveraging social media, online presence, local partnerships, engaging branding, and an exceptional in-shop experience. Our budget prioritizes free and low-cost strategies initially, with room for paid advertising and influencer marketing as we gain traction.

Target Audience:

  • Young Adults (18-25): College students, young professionals, and trendsetters.
  • Teenagers (13-18): High school students, athletes, gamers, active on social media.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • Trendsetting Haircuts & Styles: Our barbers stay up-to-date on the latest styles and offer consultations to create customized cuts.
  • Fun & Welcoming Atmosphere: Modern, clean environment with trendy music, complimentary beverages, and friendly conversation.
  • Digital Convenience: Easy online appointment booking, website with style portfolio, and active social media presence.

Marketing Objectives:

  • Increase brand awareness and establish The Razor’s Edge as the “go-to” barbershop for young adults and teenagers in Texas within 6 months.
  • Generate a 20% increase in website traffic and a 15% increase in online appointments within 3 months.
  • Achieve an average customer rating of 4.7 stars on Google My Business within 6 months.
  • Build a strong social media following with 1,000 engaged followers on Instagram and 500 on TikTok within 6 months.

Marketing Strategies:

1.      Social Media Marketing (Budget: $100-$300/month – Optional):

  • Platform Focus: Instagram & TikTok.
  • Content:
    • High-quality photos and videos showcasing trendy haircuts and styles created at the shop.
    • “Barber Spotlight” introducing each barber, highlighting their specialties, and showcasing their work.
    • “Behind the Scenes” glimpses into the barbershop atmosphere and team culture.
    • Customer testimonials and “before & after” photos (with customer permission).
    • Fun and engaging content like haircut trends, styling tips, and polls for customer interaction.
  • Frequency: Post consistently – 3-4 times a week on Instagram, daily on TikTok.
  • Hashtags: Utilize relevant hashtags like #menshairstyles #teenhairstyles #txbarber #the razoredgebarber
  • Paid Advertising (Optional): Consider targeted ads on Instagram and TikTok to reach a wider audience within your demographic.
  • Influencer Marketing (Optional): Partner with local young adult/teenager influencers for sponsored posts or haircut collaborations.

2.      Online Presence (Budget: $20-$50/month):

  • Website: Develop a user-friendly, mobile-responsive website with:
    • Clear information about services, pricing, barbers, and location.
    • High-quality photos of the barbershop and haircut styles.
    • Online appointment booking system with easy scheduling options.
    • Blog section with styling tips, trend updates, and barber profiles. (Optional)
  • Google My Business: Claim and optimize your listing with accurate business information, high-quality photos, and positive customer reviews.
  • Online Reviews: Encourage customer reviews on Google My Business, Yelp, and social media platforms. Respond promptly to both positive and negative reviews.

3.      Local Partnerships (Budget: Variable):

  • High Schools & Colleges: Reach out to athletic departments, student clubs, or student centers to offer:
    • Student Discounts for haircuts.
    • Sponsorship opportunities for school events.
    • “Career Day” presentations showcasing the barber profession.
  • Local Businesses: Collaborate with clothing stores, stylists, or barbershops in non-competing areas for:
    • Joint promotions offering discounts or package deals.
    • Cross-promotion opportunities on each other’s social media platforms.

4.      Branding & Promotions (Budget: Variable):

  • Brand Identity: Develop a logo and brand aesthetic that aligns with your target audience. Think bold, modern, and welcoming.
  • Theme Nights (Optional): Host themed haircut nights with discounted prices based on current trends or pop culture references (e.g., “Sports Fan Haircut Night”).
  • Loyalty Program: Implement a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers with discounts, free services, or exclusive access to new styles.
  • Signage & Flyers: Design eye-catching window displays and consider creating flyers or posters

5.      In-Shop Experience (Budget: Variable):

  • Shop Environment: Maintain a clean, modern, and comfortable shop with comfortable seating, trendy music that appeals to your target demographic, and a welcoming atmosphere.
  • Customer Service: Ensure all barbers are friendly, approachable, and skilled at discussing the latest trends and recommending styles that suit each customer’s face shape, hair type, and preferences.
  • Additional Services: Offer additional services like beard trims, hot towel shaves, hair styling products for purchase, or complimentary consultations.
  • Waiting Area: Provide a comfortable waiting area with magazines, Wi-Fi access, or a gaming console (if budget allows) for entertainment.

6.      Public Relations & Community Involvement (Budget: Variable):

  • Media Outreach: Reach out to local newspapers, radio stations, or online publications to offer expert advice on trendy hairstyles or sponsor a “haircut makeover” segment.
  • Community Events: Participate in local events like festivals, car shows, or back-to-school events. Offer discounted haircuts or sponsor a booth with giveaways.
  • Charity Events: Partner with local charities to offer haircuts for a cause or sponsor a youth sports team.

7.      Measurement & Tracking:

  • Social Media: Monitor follower growth, engagement (likes, comments, shares), and website traffic generated from social media posts. Use social media analytics tools to track performance.
  • Website: Track website traffic, online appointment bookings, and user behavior on the website using Google Analytics.
  • Customer Reviews: Monitor online reviews on Google My Business, Yelp, and social media platforms. Respond promptly and address any negative feedback.
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Implement brief customer satisfaction surveys after each haircut to gather feedback on the experience.
  • Sales & Revenue: Track sales figures to measure the effectiveness of marketing initiatives.

8.      Timeline:

  • Month 1-2: Develop website, establish social media presence, secure local partnerships, finalize branding and promotional offers.
  • Month 3-6: Launch social media campaign, implement online booking system, participate in local events, initiate public relations efforts.
  • Month 6 onwards: Track results, refine marketing strategies, explore paid advertising and influencer marketing (if budget allows), consider expanding services or hosting workshops.

Finally plan on how to start your barbershop business and provide the best service to your customers.


Crafting a comprehensive marketing plan is essential for the success of your barbershop business. By identifying your target audience, setting clear goals, and selecting appropriate marketing channels, you can effectively promote your services, attract new customers, and build brand loyalty.

Remember to continuously monitor and evaluate your marketing efforts, adapt your strategies as needed to stay relevant and competitive in the ever-evolving marketplace. By staying proactive, creative, and customer-focused, you’ll position your barbershop for long-term success and growth.

With the right marketing plan in place, you’ll not only attract more clients but also build a strong brand presence that resonates with your target audience, ultimately driving profitability and ensuring the continued success of your barbershop business.