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How to Promote Redbubble on Pinterest in 2024


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Did someone ask about how to promote Redbubble on Pinterest? I’ve got you covered!

85% of weekly Pinterest users have made a purchase on Pinterest just because of a pin they saw. This means that your Redbubble store has a great opportunity to get both visibility and sales on Pinterest.

Pinterest is not just a social platform, it’s a source of inspiration and ideas for many people. Whatever the reason for use one thing is obvious. Pinterest can help you promote your Redbubble designs and increase your monthly sales.

 With over 518 million active you have a great chance to reach more people and grow your store.

In this blog, we will talk about everything related to using Pinterest for Redbubble and I will make sure that when you leave this blog you know everything about crafting a successful Pinterest strategy for your Redbubble store.

So what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

how to promote redbubble on Pinterest

The Importance of Promoting Your Redbubble Products on Pinterest

If you haven’t used Pinterest before then you might be asking yourself or maybe asking me about why you should use Pinterest. Why not Instagram or Twitter or even Snapchat? I got the answer for you right here:

1.     Why Promoting Redbubble on Pinterest Matters

Promoting your products on Pinterest gives you access to a large audience. Unlike other social media platforms, you can get organic traffic in millions.

Going viral on Pinterest is much easier compared to platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Pinterest users are always looking for new products, ideas, and inspirations.

If you use Pinterest to promote your Redbubble products then you are reaching people who are already interested in exploring and buying new products.

2.     Stand Out from the Crowd: Unique Visibility on Pinterest

Pinterest being a visual platform can be really helpful for your Redbubble designs to stand out. If you use high-quality and eye-catching designs then your designs can standout and can attract more customers.

3.     Boost Sales with Pinterest: Direct and Indirect Methods

Pinterest allows you to post links to your Redbubble products so users can directly go to the product page after seeing your design. This can help you get direct sales from Pinterest on your Redbubble account.

Additionally, Pinterest gives users an option to save your pins on their profiles. This means that if someone visits the profile of a person who saved your pin they will see your pins there too.

4.     Enhance Your Click-Through Rates for Indirect Sales

Pinterest can help you get sales on Redbubble we already talked about that but how can it improve sales on the Redbubble platform?

Let me explain this with a simple example. When a product has higher sales or reviews it usually appears at the top of the results because the Redbubble algorithm feels that the product is good for the buyers.

When your account is new on Redbubble getting sales or showing up in the search results is almost impossible. This is where sales from Pinterest will help you get to the top pages.

Once you start getting sales Redbubble will know that this product is good for its audience and they will start giving you that boost.

5.     Establishing Your Brand as a Featured Redbubble Artist on Pinterest

When you build trust with clients every social media platform will want to promote you because you will be someone people will want to interact with.

When Pinterest knows that you are selling products that people are interested in and that you are an authentic seller they will not only give you the blue tick but will also display a “verified Marchant” badge just below your name.

If you are able to get this badge then you can skyrocket your Redbubble sales on Pinterest and not only that you can also start selling products from your own website on Pinterest.

redbubble on Pinterest

Pinterest vs. Instagram: The Best Platform for Redbubble Promotion

I have seen many people using Instagram to promote their Redbubble products. Instagram is great for creating community and engaging with followers but Pinterest is used for discovery and users there are actively looking for new products to try out.

Pinterest pins also have a longer lifespan which means that your content will continue to get views several months after posting while on Instagram your content is likely to disappear from the feed within one day.

Lastly, Pinterest allows you to organize your content through boards and create themes. For example, if you are selling T-shirts and Mugs you can create different boards for them while on Instagram you are usually required to stick to a particular niche.

How to Use Pinterest for Redbubble Promotion

Now that you know why you should be promoting Redbubble on Pinterest it’s time to talk about how exactly you can promote your store and start getting sales.

1.     Setting Up a Business Account for Redbubble Promotion

To promote Redbubble on Pinterest you have to convert your personal account into a business account. You can do this by going into Pinterest settings and clicking on account management. I have talked about this in detail in the previous blog.

A Pinterest business account gives you several benefits like access to analytics, Pinterest ads, and rich pins. Apart from that it tells Pinterest that you are someone who might be selling on Pinterest. To save yourself from any trouble it’s best to switch to a business account and yeah it’s totally FREE!

2.     Customizing Your Pinterest Profile for Redbubble Success

Your Pinterest profile is your storefront for new customers so you want to make it as attractive and trustworthy as possible. There are several things you should do:

  • A nice profile picture preferably related to your niche.
  • A cover photo which can include a short description with a text overlay.
  • A trustworthy brand name that also includes your keywords. For example, if you sell T-Shirts then your name could be Brandons store|T-shirts | T-Shirt designs.
  • A short description about your store which should also include your primary and secondary keywords.
  • Add a link to your Pinterest profile which will take users directly to your Redbubble store.

Try to make the description short and include a call to action like “check out our latest collection of T-shirt designs on our store” This encourages users to click your link and visit your profile.

3.     Creating Effective Pinterest Boards for Your Redbubble Niches

Pinterest boards are important for both Redbubble store owners and their viewers. If a user sees your T-Shirt design on their feed and visit your profile they will more likely be interested in T-shirt designs.

Now imagine your Last T-shirt pin was a month ago. Will the viewers scroll all the way through your profile to find more T-shirt pins? I won’t.

If you have a board related to T-shirt designs they will simply open that and look at the designs there. Not only do boards make it easy for viewers to find what they are looking for, but they are also searchable meaning that boards can appear in search results.

how to create boards for Redbubble on Pinterest

Try collaborating with other Redbubble store owners on shared boards to increase your reach and sales on Pinterest.

Use short board names with keywords and write a concise keyword-rich description. You can learn more about keywords in our old blog.

4.     Direct Promotion from Redbubble to Pinterest

You don’t have to work hard to promote Redbubble on Pinterest. If you want to share your products directly from Redbubble to Pinterest you can click on the share button on your product page and share your designs directly from your account to Pinterest.

However, I would recommend you to take some time and create more visually appealing pins.

5.     Crafting Your Own Pins to Market Redbubble Products

When you create your own pins you have more control over how your products should be presented In front of your customers. I would recommend posting videos and images that showcase your product in a real-life setting.

For example, if you sell T-shirts you can upload videos of trying out different T-shirt designs. For image pins use a text overlay and mention the unique features of your products to get more attention.

You can use tools like Canva or Photoshop to design your pins.

6.     How to Pin Redbubble on Pinterest: Step-by-Step Guide

Here is how you can pin your Redbubble products on Pinterest and start getting those sales.

  • Choose a Product: Select the product you want to pin from your Redbubble store.
  • Create a Pin: Click the Pinterest share button on the product page, or upload your own image to Pinterest.
  • Add a Description: Write a compelling description that includes keywords and a call to action. Mention that the product is available on Redbubble.
  • Select a Board: Choose the most relevant board for your pin. If you don’t have a suitable board, create a new one.
  • Publish the Pin: Click “Save” to publish your pin. It will now be visible to your followers and other Pinterest users.

Advanced Strategies for Redbubble Promotion on Pinterest

Let’s talk about some things from my personal experience that can help you grow your Pinterest account and get more sales:

1.     Analyzing Pinterest Analytics for Redbubble

The business account can really help you especially in terms of the analytics. Pinterest analytics can hep you understand the type of pins that are working.

It can give you a clear roadmap about what types of pins you should be more focused on. There are several different things like impressions, clicks and outbound clicks but the main analytic you should be concerned with is outbound clicks.

Look at your analytics and see which pins generated the highest outbound clicks and double down on those pins.

You should also review the audience insights in the analytics regularly. This will give you details about audience location and demographics which can help you create a better Pinterest strategy.

redbubble strategy

2.     Quality Over Quantity

Quantity on Pinterest can really help you grow but keep in mind that quantity should not come at the expense of quality.

If you want to create a long-term and sustainable brand on Pinterest then your Redbubble pins should be as good as any big brands out there.

High quality pins are usually shared and saved by viewers which can help you increase your reach and engagement on Pinterest.

Use the 80/20 rule for pinning: 80% of your pins should be your own Redbubble products, and 20% should be relevant content from other creators.

3.     Building a Monthly Pinterest Strategy for Redbubble Success

Don’t be afraid when you hear the word strategy. It’s not anything complex rather it’s the most easy part of Pinterest marketing. Your Pinterest strategy should have some important pillars which are:

  • The number of posts per day or per week.
  • Content themes you will cover.
  • Keywords that you will target.
  • Your goals for the month

The first thing is to plan out a consistent content schedule. This doesn’t have to be 10 pins per day. I started with just 1 pin per day and I am still continuously doing that. Whatever you select make sure you can stick to it in the long run.

Content themes are very important, especially seasonal content. When you create your plan or strategy for the make sure to check for important dates or themes like summers, winters or Christmas.

Creating seasonal content can really help you boost your Pinterest account and get those extra sales.

Next, you should have a list of 10 – 15 keywords that you will target through the month. These can be simple one-word keywords or even phrases as long as people are searching for those.

Set realistic goals for yourself. You cannot expect to get 100 sales via Pinterest on Redbubble in the first month so make sure the goals you set are achievable and realistic.

creating a redbubble strategy for Pinterest

4.     Showcasing Customer Testimonials on Pinterest Boards

If you have any testimonials from your previous buyers make sure you add them to your Pinterest account. This will help you build trust among your followers and viewers and will act as a social proof for you Redbubble store.

You can reach out to your customers and request them to share photos of them using your products. This is by far the best way to increase reach and engagement.

5.     Creating Compelling Calls-to-Action (CTAs) on Pinterest Pins

Your target audience saw your pin but now what’s next? People usually need some kind of direction to take action and if that direction is not provided you might not get the results you are looking for.

A strong call to action can encourage your customers or viewers to visit your Redbubble store and make purchases. Phrases like “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Get Yours Today” can be useful for you to motivate your customers.

6.     Experimenting with Different Pin Formats

Pinterest is more about trial and error. You will always be experimenting with different types of fonts, colors, and pin styles to see what resonates with your target audience.

Try to use a mix of video pins, static images, and carousels to find out which ones are giving you good results. If you find that video gives you good results the next step you can take is to try different video formats like with text and without text etc.

Additional Tips For Pinterest For Redbubble

  • Always use bold and large font to stand out on the Pinterest feed.
  • Use bright colors to attract and catch attention.
  • Do not pin with the same link more than 2 times per day.
  • Use infographics to increase engagement.
  • Read the community guidelines to stay out of any kind of trouble.


Promoting Redbubble on Pinterest offers you a great opportunity to grow your passive income and build social presence for your store.

By understanding the Pinterest algorithm and strategically planning your Pinterest pins you can increase your Redbubble store sales and build a successful business.

Start by establishing a solid foundation with a well-crafted Pinterest business account and customized profile. Use engaging boards to organize your designs and consistently create high-quality pins. Optimize your content with relevant keywords and compelling calls to action to maximize your reach and engagement.

Continuously refine your strategy and understand your audience to build trust and provide content that is loved by the Pinterest community.

So why wait? Get started and crush your Redbubble goals today!