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Pinterest for Teachers:10 Ways to Enhance Your Classroom


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Is Pinterest for teachers? Or is it just to find décor ideas?

According to a study, 90% of elementary school teachers reported that they use Pinterest on daily basis.

If you are a teacher and you still rely on “chalk and talk” or more like “marker and talk” then your class might just be another boring class that students are not interested in.

But hey you can make your class so interesting that students will want you to give them more work and stay a bit longer in the classroom?

Dream achieved right?

Pinterest has hundreds or maybe millions of pins dedicated to different aspects of teaching such as activities, lesson plans, décor ideas, and even personal development resources. It is a great way to make your teaching more effective and fun for your students.

In this blog post, I will share 10 ways that teachers can use Pinterest to make learning more interesting and fun for the next generation.

So let’s not wait anymore and get started.

pinterest for teachers

Using Pinterest for Teachers

Pinterest is filled with tons of educational content related to almost any field. If you are teaching marketing, sales, or any other subject you will find valuable resources to enrich your teaching.

Here is how Pinterest for teachers can change your next lectures:

  • Finding Lesson Plans: Pinterest has a wide range of visual lesson plans for different educational sectors that you can save and use.
  • Collecting Educational Materials: you can find things like worksheets, activities and test ideas on Pinterest.
  • Enhancing Lessons: You can save and use different kinds of images, infographics, diagrams, and charts that you can use in your lessons to make them more fun and interactive.

Student Engagement through Pinterest Ideas for Teachers

If your students are engaging that means they are enjoying your lessons and you can do exactly that with Pinterest as a teacher:

  • Interactive Activities: You can find different interactive game ideas for your classroom on Pinterest by searching “classroom games”.
  • Project Ideas: Teachers on Pinterest can find ideas for student projects.
  • Collaborative Boards: Pinterest for teachers can become more fun when you create group boards and add your students to those boards. You can ask them to share their ideas on these boards from their homes.

Professional Development via Pinterest Ideas for Teachers

Pinterest isn’t just for students it’s a great way for teachers to learn and improve their own teaching over time.

  • Connecting with Educators: You can connect with other teachers and join their boards to learn new teaching skills and improve your classroom.
  • Access to Webinars and Workshops: As a teacher, you can find links to workshops, podcasts, and webinars related to teaching and professional development.
  • Following Educational Trends: By using Pinterest as a teacher you can know about the latest trends in the education and utilize those to keep one step ahead of the rest of the teachers.

10 Ways to Enhance Your Classroom with Pinterest for Teachers

We already discussed why teachers should be using Pinterest to make their class more attractive and fun now let’s talk about 10 practical ways in which teachers can use Pinterest:

1.     Creating Thematic Boards

If you have a lot of classes with different subjects then keeping track of all the records, quizzes, assignments and projects can be hectic. With Pinterest you can organize all these by creating different boards for each class.

You can create separate boards for quizzes, activities and projects. This will allow you to keep everything accessible from almost anywhere.

pinterest boards for teachers

2.     Pinning Lesson Plans

You can search and save different lesson plans according to your curriculum using Pinterest. Pinterest for teachers is a great way to find creative and effective teaching strategies.

3.     Finding Classroom Decor Inspiration

Classroom décor is important especially in elementary schools but most of those decors are outdated and dull. With Pinterest teachers can find latest décor ideas for their classrooms according to the size and color theme of your class.

4.     Using Pinterest for Student Projects

Coming up with unique and creative ideas for class projects can be time consuming and boring. Pinterest makes this easy for you. You can find hundreds of resources for projects, science experiments, art projects and more within minutes.

student projects on Pinterest

5.     Collaborating with Fellow Teachers

How about sharing fun and unique resources with each other as teachers? You can create shared boards with other teachers not just from your institute but with teachers around the world. Pinterest for teachers is a great way for professional networking.

6.     Engaging Parents

Parents want to know what their child is studying and how are the teachers performing. With Pinterest you can engage parents by sharing different boards and activities with them via Pinterest. This can include many things like homework tips, tests and other resources.

7.     Integrating Technology

Pinterest isn’t just for looking at cool images. You can find tons of resources regarding how to use different apps and technology to make your teaching experience and learning experience of your students more interesting and fun.

8.     Seasonal and Holiday Ideas

What’s a holiday season without homework right? Pinterest offers different ideas for activities and festivals throughout the year. Now you don’t have to sit for hours to think of next big event and its related homework.

Just head to Pinterest and scroll through hundreds of ideas.

9.     Professional Development Resources

Enough work for students you have to work on yourself too right? Self development is important and that is where Pinterest is great for teachers. You can find E-Books, articles and tips for improving yourself as an educator.

10.  Science and Math Resources

Coming up with questions for the next exam can be time consuming. You can head to Pinterest and find tons of resources related t match problems, science projects and different types of questions that you can integrate into your next exam.

Do Teachers Still Use Pinterest?

As I told you in the beginning Pinterest is still one of the most popular resources for is growing day by day. Here’s why teachers continue to use Pinterest:

Comparison with Other Educational Platforms

Pinterest is a platform dedicated to visual appeal and information. You can find almost anything on Pinterest by searching their related keywords. It offers a unique combination of visual appeal, easy organization, and a vast repository of resources, setting it apart from other educational platforms like Teachers Pay Teachers or Google Classroom.


Pinterest for teachers is a goldmine for improving education and making both teaching and learning interactive and fun.

By using Pinterest, teachers can:

  • Easily compile and organize educational resources.
  • Engage students with interactive and collaborative activities.
  • Connect with other educators for professional development and inspiration.
  • Find innovative ways to decorate and organize their classrooms.
  • Incorporate technology and seasonal activities into their teaching.

Pinterest users are growing everyday and is a great opportunity for you as a teacher to set new trends in education. If you are struggling to find the perfect lesson plans or assignments then Pinterest can be a big time saver for you.

If you want to learn more related to Pinterest you can checkout:

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